Orwell Park Mansion and Observatory
Home Events


OASI is a society for people interested in astronomy. We are based at Orwell Park Observatory and Newbourne Village Hall, both situated near Ipswich, Suffolk. Members enjoy a wide range of interests in astronomy and include armchair astronomers, casual observers, and dedicated amateurs with specialist skills in visual and photographic observing, constructing telescopes, public education in astronomy and the history of astronomy.

Email for more information: info@oasi.org.uk



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Night Sky Notes

Current edition.

Back editions.

Observatory Visits


Visit Orwell Park Observatory and see the historic Tomline Refractor.


Join OASI or renew membership.


Wed 31 Jul 2024, 19:00, Newbourne Village Hall, Observing for members of OASI from the field in front of the hall, then adjourn to The Fox at 21:00.
NB: Orwell Park Observatory will be closed this evening.

Wed 07 Aug 2024, 19:00, Newbourne Village Hall, Observing for members of OASI from the field in front of the hall, then adjourn to The Fox at 21:00.
NB: Orwell Park Observatory will be closed this evening.

Mon 12 Aug 2024, 19:30, Newbourne Village Hall, Newbourne meeting - beginners and new members welcome!

Wed 14 Aug 2024, 20:15, Orwell Park Observatory, General observing for members of OASI.

Full events list, with contact details for further information.


Recent activities and observations

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[1/12]   OASI's 2024 picnic was blessed by superb weather, enabling solar observing in the afternoon before the customary astronomy quiz in the evening. 20 July 2024. Martin Cook & Paul Whiting, FRAS. More.
[2/12]   Eastern (left) and western (right) arcs of the Veil Nebula (NGC6960, NGC6992 and NGC6995). 26 June 2024. Paul Whiting, FRAS. More.
[3/12]   Noctilucent cloud seen from west Ipswich, the first report of the phenomenon by a member of OASI since late summer 2022. 23 June 2024. Andy Gibbs. More.
[4/12]   The weather during the Mendlesham Village Fayre on 22 June 2024 was not conducive to solar observing, with the Sun making only brief appearances. Nonetheless, an image of the solar disk, showing five active regions (AR13712, AR13713, AR13716, AR13719, AR13720, AR13721 and AR1372), was captured using OASI's Seestar S50 "smart" telescope. Paul Whiting, FRAS. More.
[5/12]   Another image from Mendlesham Village Fayre, with visitors catching a glimpse of the Sun's disk, between clouds, through OASI's specialist solar observing telescopes. Photo by Adam Honeybell. More.
[6/12]   OASI attended East Suffolk Wireless Revival (ESWR) 2024 to do solar observing. The weather was not good, with heavy rain showers and a very strong breeze. However, between breaks in the weather, it proved possible to show visitors the Sun in white light and Hα. Bill Barton, FRAS. More.
[7/12]   The solar disk in Hα light shows granulation, active regions, faculae and limb prominences. The colouration is inverted to make the prominences more easily visible. 02 June 2024. John Hughes. More.
[8/12]   Resembling the "W" of Cassiopeia, star cluster Kemble 2 is also known as "Mini Cassiopeia". It is located in the constellation Draco, approximately 1° SE of χ Dra. The asterism was named by the Franciscan friar and amateur astronomer, Father Lucian Kemble, in August 1994. 19-20 May 2024. John Hughes. More.
[9/12]   OASI's first event to mark the 150th anniversary of Orwell Park Observatory was to host the BAA Historical Section meeting on 18 May 2024 in Ipswich. Following the meeting, several members of the BAA and OASI visited the house and grave of Sir George Biddell Airy (1801-1892), 7th Astronomer Royal, in Playford, north of Ipswich.
[10/12]   A geomagnetic storm caused an aurora to be visible widely over the UK on the night of 10 May 2024. Many members of OASI witnessed the phenomenon. Images (L-R, T-B): Andy Gibbs, Nigel Evans, Mike O'Mahony, John Hughes, Mike Such (montage), Martin Cook, Steve McElvanney, Toni Smith and Paul Whiting (courtesy of professional photographer). More.
[11/12]   Sunset on Pu'u Wekiu, on the summit of Mauna Kea, Hawaii. Photographed on a sunset tour passing close by many of the leading observatories located on the mountain. 25 April 2024. Neil J Short. More.
[12/12]   The Daniel K Inouye Solar Telescope on the summit of Haleakala, Maui, Hawaii. Photographed on a sunset tour to the mountain. 20 April 2024. Neil J Short. More.