Orwell Astronomical Society (Ipswich)

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The Sun, 25 January 1984 - 25 August 2024




Paul Whiting, 25 August 2024.

Image of the Sun taken during OASI's outreach event at Bawdsey Radar Museum. OASI's Seestar S50 "smart" telescope in solar mode. Image sharpened with Microsoft Essentials Picture Editor.


Andy Gibbs, 31 July 2024.

The Sun imaged in Hα light using a ZWO ASI120MM mono camera (usually used for autoguiding!) and Coronado PST. Software used: Sharpcap 4, AutoStakkert! 3, Registax 6. Final sharpening, de-noising and colourising in Affinity Photo 2.


Martin Cook, 29 July 2024.

The Sun imaged in Hα light, displaying active regions, faculae, filaments and a limb prominence with interesting details of arching plasma. Insets show close-ups of features. Images captured 15:03-15:17 UT. Lunt LS60THa/B1200 mounted on a Sky-Watcher Star Adventurer GTi mount. ZWO ASI178MM camera. The enlarged inset images were captured with the use of a 2.5x Barlow lens.


Paul Whiting, 20 July 2024.

Image of the Sun taken during OASI's summer picnic at Newbourne Village Hall, using the Society's Seestar S50 "smart" telescope. A string of active regions (sunspot groups) is visible just below centre of the disk. Running L to R: AR13756, AR13761, AR13751, AR13750 and AR13759.


Paul Whiting, 24 June 2024.

Image of the Sun taken during a public solar observing event at Mendlesham Village Fayre, using OASI's Seestar S50 "smart" telescope. Five active regions (sunspot groups) are visible (AR13712, AR13713, AR13716, AR13719, AR13720, AR13721 and AR13722).


John Hughes, 02 June 2024.

Active regions AR13697, AR13699 and AR13700 in Hα light. Equipment: Lunt LS60Tha/B1200/CPT solar telescope with Lunt 60 mm front-mount double stack Hα etalon filter; Altair 3x tele-extender Barlow lens; ZWO ASI174mm camera; Sky-Watcher EQ6R-Pro mount. Processed with: SharpCap Pro, AutoStakkert4!, ImPPG, PixInsight and Affinity Photo.


John Hughes, 02 June 2024.

Active regions AR13697, AR13699, AR13700 and prominences on the western limb in Hα light. Colours are inverted. Equipment and processing as above.


John Hughes, 02 June 2024.

Active region AR13697 in Hα light. Equipment and processing as above.


John Hughes, 21 May 2024.

A montage of solar images in Hα light. Seeing conditions were excellent. The central image is an eight-pane mosaic and the surrounding monochrome images show detail of active regions and/or on the limb. Some of the monochrome images are "true colour" others are inverted as follows: east (left) top image true colour, lower inverted; north (top) inverted; west (centre right) true colour; south-west (lower right) inverted. Equipment: Lunt LS60Tha/B1200/CPT solar telescope with Lunt 60 mm front-mount double stack Hα etalon filter; Altair 3x tele-extender Barlow lens; ZWO ASI174mm camera; Sky-Watcher EQ6R-Pro mount. Processed with: SharpCap Pro, AutoStakkert4!, ImPPG, PixInsight and Affinity Photo.


Martin Cook, 13 May 2024.

The Sun imaged in Hα light, displaying active regions, faculae, filaments and limb prominences. Insets show close-ups of limb prominences. Note in particular the material ejected as a prominence from AR13664 as it slips around the solar limb. Images captured 13:02-13:15 UT. Lunt LS60THa/B1200 mounted on a Sky-Watcher Star Adventurer GTi mount. ZWO ASI178MM camera. The image was captured with Sharpcap, stacked and processed in Autostakkert 4, Registax 6 then further processed in Affinity Photo. The enlarged inset images were captured with the use of a 2.5x Barlow lens.


John Hughes, 10 May 2024.

During its time on the solar disc, active region AR13664 produced seven X-class (large) solar flares ranging from X0.9 to a huge X5.89 event on 11 May 2024. I was fortunate enough to be observing the Sun early on 10 May 2024 and captured the evolution of an X3.98 event. The flare started at 06:27, peaked at 06:54 and ended at 07:06. I captured the images below at 06:33, 06:56 and 07:00. (All times UT.) Imaged in Hα light. Equipment: Lunt LS60Tha/B1200/CPT solar telescope with Lunt 60 mm front-mount double stack Hα etalon filter; Altair 3x tele-extender Barlow lens; ZWO ASI174mm camera; Sky-Watcher EQ6R-Pro mount. Processed with: SharpCap Pro, AutoStakkert4!, ImPPG, PixInsight and Affinity Photo.


Martin Cook, 10 May 2024.

The Sun imaged in Hα light, displaying active regions, faculae, filaments and limb prominences. Note particularly the detached prominences on the eastern limb. Images captured 13:54-15:05 UT. Lunt LS60THa/B1200 mounted on a Sky-Watcher Star Adventurer GTi mount. ZWO ASI178MM camera. The image was captured with Sharpcap, stacked and processed in Autostakkert 4, Registax 6 then further processed in Affinity Photo. The enlarged inset images were captured with the use of a 2.5x Barlow lens.


Martin Cook, 10 May 2024.

The Sun imaged in white light, displaying several active regions. Images captured 13:29-13:40 UT. Widesky 80 mm refractor with Lunt Herschel wedge and polarizing filter mounted on a Sky-Watcher Star Adventurer GTi mount. ZWO ASI178MM camera. The image was captured with Sharpcap, stacked and processed in Autostakkert 4, Registax 6 then further processed in Affinity Photo. The enlarged inset images were captured with the use of a 2.5x Barlow lens.


John Hughes, 09 May 2024.

The solar disk in Hα light is dominated by the massive active regions AR13668 and AR13664. An inverted image shows also a large prominence on the SW limb. Equipment: Lunt LS60Tha/B1200/CPT solar telescope with Lunt 60 mm front-mount double stack Hα etalon filter; Altair 3x tele-extender Barlow lens; ZWO ASI174mm camera; Sky-Watcher EQ6R-Pro mount. Exposure time 8 ms (124 fps), camera gain 300. 200 frames stacked from 2000. Processed with: SharpCap Pro, AutoStakkert4!, ImPPG, PixInsight and Affinity Photo.


Martin Cook, 09 May 2024.

The Sun imaged in white light, with the massive active regions AR13668 and AR13664 and limb prominences. Images captured 09:07-09:23 UT. Widesky 80 mm refractor with Lunt Herschel wedge and polarizing filter mounted on a Sky-Watcher Star Adventurer GTi mount. ZWO ASI178MM camera. The image was captured with Sharpcap, stacked and processed in Autostakkert 4, Registax 6 then further processed in Affinity Photo. The enlarged inset images were captured with the use of a 2.5x Barlow lens.


Martin Cook, 07 May 2024.

The Sun imaged in Hα light, displaying active regions, faculae, filaments and limb prominences. There is some interesting structure around the active regions. Images captured 11:27-11:53 UT. Lunt LS60THa/B1200 mounted on a Sky-Watcher Star Adventurer GTi mount. ZWO ASI178MM camera. The image was captured with Sharpcap, stacked and processed in Autostakkert 4, Registax 6 then further processed in Affinity Photo. The enlarged inset images were captured with the use of a 2.5x Barlow lens.


Martin Cook, 07 May 2024.

The Sun imaged in white light, displaying several active regions. Images captured 11:02-11:12 UT. Widesky 80 mm refractor with Lunt Herschel wedge and polarizing filter mounted on a Sky-Watcher Star Adventurer GTi mount. ZWO ASI178MM camera. The image was captured with Sharpcap, stacked and processed in Autostakkert 4, Registax 6 then further processed in Affinity Photo. The enlarged inset images were captured with the use of a 2.5x Barlow lens.


John Hughes, 07 May 2024.

The solar disk in Hα light. Nine-pane mosaic captured at 07:04 UT. Equipment: Lunt LS60Tha/B1200/CPT solar telescope with Lunt 60 mm front-mount double stack Hα etalon filter; Tele Vue 2.5x 1.25" Powermate; ZWO ASI174mm camera; Sky-Watcher EQ6R-Pro mount. Exposure time 3 ms (130 fps), camera gain 210, camera binning 2x2. Frames stacked 200. Processed with: SharpCap Pro, AutoStakkert4!, ImPPG, PixInsight and Affinity Photo.


John Hughes, 07 May 2024.

Close up of active regions AR13668 and AR13664 from the above image. Equipment and processing as above apart from use of a Tele Vue 4.0x 2” Powermate in place of the 2.5x Powermate.


John Hughes, 29 April 2024.

The solar disk in Hα light. In addition to granulation, active regions and faculae, three notable features are visible as follows: (1) a huge ejection of material on the north-eastern limb, (2) a detached small prominence on the western limb and (3) prominences on the south-western limb. Captured at 08:00 UT. Equipment: Lunt LS60Tha/B1200/CPT solar telescope with Lunt 60 mm front-mount double stack Hα etalon filter; ZWO ASI174mm camera; Sky-Watcher EQ6R-Pro mount. Exposure time 8 ms. Frames stacked 200. Processed with: SharpCap Pro, AutoStakkert4!, ImPPG, PixInsight and Affinity Photo.


John Hughes, 29 April 2024.

Close-up of AR13660 and part of the ejection of material on the north-eastern limb (feature (1) on the full-disk image above). Captured at 08:08 UT. Equipment as for the full-disk image plus Tele Vue 5x Powermate Barlow lens. Exposure time 23 ms. Frames stacked 200.


John Hughes, 29 April 2024.

Close-up of AR13654 and detached prominence on the western limb (feature (2) on the full-disk image above). Captured at 07:08 UT. Equipment as for the full-disk image plus Altair 3x Lightwave Tele-Extender Barlow lens. Exposure time 10 ms. Frames stacked 200.


John Hughes, 29 April 2024.

Close-up of prominences on the south-western limb (feature (3) on the full-disk image above). Captured at 08:18 UT. Equipment as for the full-disk image plus Tele Vue 4x Powermate Barlow lens. Exposure time 14 ms. Frames stacked 250.


John Hughes, 21 April 2024.

Composite of the solar disk in Hα light formed from the five images below. Equipment: Lunt LS60Tha/B1200/CPT solar telescope with Lunt 60 mm front-mount double stack Hα etalon filter; ZWO ASI174mm camera; Sky-Watcher EQ6R-Pro mount; Altair 3x Lightwave Tele-Extender Barlow 1.25". Processing: Autostakkert4! for stacking images; PixInsight Solar Toolbox for processing; https://sisik.eu/pano for stitching.


John Hughes, 21 April 2024.

Active region AR13639 in Hα light. Equipment and processing as above.


John Hughes, 21 April 2024.

Active region AR13643 in Hα light. Equipment and processing as above.


John Hughes, 21 April 2024.

Active region AR13644 in Hα light. Equipment and processing as above.


John Hughes, 21 April 2024.

Prominences on the southern limb in Hα light. Equipment and processing as above.


John Hughes, 21 April 2024.

Prominences on the south-eastern limb in Hα light. Equipment and processing as above.


Stephen McElvanney, 19 April 2024.

The Sun imaged in white light with a ZWO Seestar S50. Image processed with PIPP, Autostakkert 3 (best 400 images from 1200), ImPPG and Affinity Photo.


John Hughes, 18 April 2024.

Active region and limb prominences. Captured at 08:23 UT. William Optics Z61 refractor on Sky-Watcher EQ6R Pro mount, DayStar Quark Chromosphere, tilt adapter and ZWO ASI174MM camera. Exposure time 18 ms, gain 0. Two hundred frames from 1,000 stacked and flat-calibrated using AutoStakkert3! Resulting stacked image processed in PixInsight using the new SolarToolBox.


Stephen McElvanney, 18 April 2024.

The Sun imaged in white light with a ZWO Seestar S50. Image processed with PIPP, Autostakkert 3 (best 400 images from 1200), ImPPG and Affinity Photo.


Stephen McElvanney, 17 April 2024.

The Sun imaged in white light with a ZWO Seestar S50. Image processed with PIPP, Autostakkert 3 (best 400 images from 1200), RegiStax 6 and Affinity Photo.


Martin Cook, 14 April 2024.

The Sun, with a close-up of active region AR3634, imaged in white light using OASI's newly acquired solar observing equipment. Widesky 80 mm refractor with Lunt Herschel wedge and polarizing filter mounted on a Sky-Watcher Star Adventurer GTi mount. ZWO ASI178MM camera. The image was captured with Sharpcap, stacked and processed in Autostakkert 4, Registax 6 then further processed in Affinity Photo. The enlarged image of AR3634 was taken using a 2.5x Barlow.


Martin Cook, 07 April 2024.

The Sun imaged in Hα light using a Lunt LS60THa/B1200 telescope and ZWO 178mm camera. Image captured at 12:00 UT during a break in the clouds and a lull in the winds of Storm Kathleen! The enlarged inset of the limb prominence at the 4 o'clock position was taken using a 2.5x Barlow lens.


Paul Whiting, 27 March 2024.

Active region AR3615 imaged at 12:20 UT. The AR will disappear over the western limb in approximately two days' time. ZWO Seestar S50 "smart" telescope, using "magnify" button.


Stephen McElvanney, 09 March 2024.

The Sun imaged in white light with a ZWO Seestar S50. It took less than 10 minutes to set up the Seestar ready to commence video recording. A 10 minute video was captured, then PIPP was used to stabilise the frames. The best 30% were then selected and stacked using Autostakkert 3 and finally Registax 6 was used for sharpening.


Andy Gibbs, 09 March 2024.

The Sun imaged in white light with OASI's new Widesky 80 mm refractor, Lunt Herschel wedge and a ZWO ASI178MC camera. The image was captured with Sharpcap, stacked and processed in Autostakkert 3 and Registax 6. Several active regions are visible.


Martin Cook, 12 February 2024.

The Sun imaged in Hα light using a Lunt LS60THa/B1200 telescope and ZWO 178mm camera. Composite of images captured between 13:10:48 and 13:17:32 UT. The enlarged insets of the sunspots, filaments and an extraordinarily large prominence were taken using a 2.5x Barlow lens. It was necessary to wait for low clouds to pass before capturing the image, but it was worth the wait!


Martin Cook, 17 January 2024.

The Sun imaged in Hα light using a Lunt LS60THa/B1200 telescope and ZWO 178mm camera. Mottling, faculae, filaments, plages and umbral and penumbral regions of sunspots are visible. The Sun was at low altitude, so the image is not sharp. And Ryan Air flight FR169 managed to muscle-in! Video of FR169 crossing the solar disk.


Martin Cook, 28 November 2023.

The Sun imaged in Hα light using a Lunt LS60THa/B1200 telescope and ZWO 178mm camera. Taken 12:56:09-13:03:46 UT. The enlarged images of prominences on the limb and central sunspot group were taken using a 2.5x barlow lens. The solar disk displays active regions, granulation, sunspots, filaments, plages and limb prominences. The sunspot group slightly below centre disk is AR3500; above it and slightly to the left is the singleton sunspot AR3501.


Martin Cook, 22 October 2023.

The Sun imaged in Hα light using a Lunt LS60THa/B1200 telescope and ZWO 178mm camera. Taken at 10:43:42 UT. Sunspot groups are visible along with filaments (thread-like features), plages (bright patches surrounding sunspots) and prominences around the limb.


Martin Cook, 22 October 2023.

Close up of prominences on the limb at the 8 o'clock position. Equipment as preceding image plus a 2.5x Barlow lens. Taken at 10:52:43 UT.


Martin Cook, 22 October 2023.

Close up of a prominence on the limb at the 7 o'clock position. Equipment as preceding image. Taken at 10:54:54 UT.


Martin Cook, 22 October 2023.

Close up of a prominence on the limb at the 10 o'clock position. Equipment as preceding image. Taken at 10:58:14 UT.


Bill Barton, 07 September 2023.

Solar spectrum showing the Sodium doublet (588.99 nm & 589.59 nm). Taken at 07:20 UT. Image captured with solar tele-spectroscope comprising Zeiss TM equatorial mount, Zeiss Telementor refracting telescope (63 mm aperture, 840 mm focal length), objective energy rejection filter (65 mm clear aperture), 50 mm extension tube, m42 to 1¼" adapter, 1.5x Barlow lens, Q-Max solar spectroscope, Brandon 16 mm eyepiece and an Astro-Engineering Sun shade.


Bill Barton, 07 September 2023.

Solar spectrum showing the Hα line (656.28 nm). Taken at 07:25 UT. Equipment as preceding image.


Martin Cook, 03 June 2023.

The Sun imaged in Hα light using a Lunt LS60THa/B1200 telescope and ZWO 178mm camera. Processed using Sharpcap 4, Autostakkert 3 and Registax 6. Sunspot groups, filaments (thread-like features), plages (bright patches surrounding sunspots) and prominences are visible. Image captured during OASI's solar observing event at Christchurch Park.


Martin Cook, 20 May 2023.

The Sun imaged at 11:43:46 UT. Taken in Hα light using a Lunt LS60THa/B1200 telescope and ZWO 178mm camera. Sunspot groups, filaments, plages and prominences are visible.


Martin Cook, 20 May 2023.

Prominence on the limb taken approximately 30 minutes after the above full-disk image. Details as above image, with 2.5x Barlow lens.


Martin Cook, 20 May 2023.

Another prominence on the limb taken approximately 15 minutes after the preceding one. Details as preceding image.


Martin Cook, 21 January 2023.

The solar disk at midday. Taken in Hα light using a Lunt LS60THa/B1200 telescope and ZWO 178mm camera. The Sun was at an altitude of only 18° and the temperature was just above freezing so I opted to set up the equipment inside the house looking through the patio doors. The image was surprisingly good despite the pane of glass in front of the telescope, but I did open the doors to acquire the final images. The large sunspot right of centre is associated with active region AR13190. Several smaller sunspots are also visible. Several prominences are visible around the limb, the largest one at the 4 o'clock position. The close-up images of the sunspot and prominence were taken using a 2.5x Barlow lens.


Martin Cook, 27 August 2022.

The solar disk showing active regions and limb prominences. The largest prominence is on the south-east limb (7 o'clock position). Lunt LS60THa/B1200 solar scope and ZWO ASI178mm camera.


Martin Cook, 27 August 2022.

Close-up of the prominence on the south-east limb. Equipment as preceding image plus 2.5x Barlow lens.


John Hughes, 22 August 2022.

The solar disc, captured at 07:47:58 UT. Lunt 60 mm DS THa/B1200CPT solar scope on SkyWatcher EQ6R Pro mount, ZWO ASI 174MM camera. The image shows the location of features shown in detail in the next three images.


John Hughes, 22 August 2022.

Active region AR13085 showing magnetic field lines between two sunspots. Captured at 07:55:07 UT. Equipment as preceding image plus TeleVue 4x Powermate.


John Hughes, 22 August 2022.

Active region AR13082 located centre-bottom of the image and two pyramid prominences on the northern limb. Captured at 08:01:15 UT. Equipment as preceding image.


John Hughes, 22 August 2022.

Large prominences on the north and north-west limb, with active region AR13081 approaching the western limb. Captured at 08:07:17 UT. Equipment as preceding image.


John Hughes, 10 August 2022.

The solar disc, captured at 07:06:44 UT. The Sun is quiet by recent standards but still displays some interesting active regions and prominences. Lunt 60 mm DS THa/B1200CPT solar scope on SkyWatcher EQ6R Pro mount, ZWO ASI 174MM camera.


John Hughes, 10 August 2022.

An interesting horseshoe-shaped filament. Equipment as preceding image plus Altair Astro 3x Barlow lens.


John Hughes, 10 August 2022.

Filaments in the southern hemisphere reminiscent of tiger stripes. AR13071 is visible to the west (right) located at S13W36. This is a single sunspot region classified HSX and reducing in size. It has not yet produced a flare. To the far left (location S18E01) is AR13074. Like AR13071, this is a single spot, classified HSX, but slightly larger in area. This region became active on 08 August producing two small B class flares. Between the two lies AR13077. Classified CSO, this AR is located at S13W24, is growing in size and has increased from four to six sunspots overnight. This region has yet to produce a flare. Equipment as preceding image.


John Hughes, 10 August 2022.

As preceding image but at higher magnification through use of a TeleVue 4x Powermate.


John Hughes, 10 August 2022.

In the northern hemisphere are AR13075 and AR13076. The former has no major features. The latter has a single sunspot and is currently by far the largest active region visible on the solar disc; it is classified HSX and is located at N12E20. It produced a single B class flare earlier on the morning of observation. Visible on the limb is a small prominence and filaprom. Telescope and camera as above plus Altair Astro 3x Barlow lens.


John Hughes, 10 August 2022.

A large prominence on the south-west limb captured at 07:47:16 UT. Telescope and camera as above plus TeleVue 4x Powermate. Time-lapse movie of the prominence.


John Hughes, 29 July 2022.

The solar disc, captured at 10:16:02 UT, shows five active regions, but only two, AR13062 and AR13068, reveal much detail. Lunt 60 mm DS THa/B1200CPT solar scope, ZWO ASI 174MM camera and SkyWatcher EQ6R-Pro mount.


John Hughes, 29 July 2022.

AR13062 imaged at 10:30:55 UT. Positioned at S24W53 this AR is represented by a single sunspot classified HSX. The AR has been modestly active on the flare front, its best being a C4.1 class flare on 21 July 2022. Equipment as preceding image plus TeleVue 4x Powermate.


John Hughes, 29 July 2022.

AR13068 imaged at 10:28:33 UT. This is a new AR located at S15E43 on the solar disc. Over the last 24 hours it has doubled its sunspot total to eight and also increased in size. Classified DAO this AR spent a lot of time today pumping out B class solar flares. At the time this image was taken, the AR was in the midst of a B4.6 class flare which commenced at 10:25 and finished at 10:39 UT. Equipment as preceding image.


John Hughes, 14 July 2022.

A collection of active regions on the solar disc: AR13053, AR13055, AR13056 and AR13057. Lunt 60 mm DS THa/B1200CPT solar scope, Altair Astro 3x Barlow lens, ZWO ASI 174MM camera and SkyWatcher EQ6R-Pro mount. The combination of telescope and Barlow gives a wonderful field of view capturing the four major visible active regions.


John Hughes, 14 July 2022.

Active region AR13057 in centre of image with a long filament to the west and AR13058 coming off the eastern limb. There is a small eruption in progress in AR13058. Equipment as preceding image.


John Hughes, 10 July 2022.

The solar disc, displaying active regions, filaments, plages and prominences. The image shown is a composite of two images. One a 2.5 ms exposure at gain 100 to capture the detail on the chromosphere. This image was inverted using ImPPG and then coloured in Affinity Photo before overlaying it on a second over-exposed image that captured the prominences (and introduced a blue border around the disc). Lunt 60 mm DS THa/B1200CPT solar scope, ZWO ASI 174MM camera with tilt adapter, Hutech Solar Guide and SkyWatcher EQ6R-Pro mount.


John Hughes, 10 July 2022.

AR13053 on the eastern side of the northern hemisphere, imaged at 07:14:30 UT. Equipment as preceding image plus Altair Astro 3x Barlow lens.


John Hughes, 10 July 2022.

AR13055 on the eastern side of the southern hemisphere, imaged at 07:14:30 UT. Equipment as preceding image.


John Hughes, 04 July 2022.

The solar disk imaged at 07:58:01 UT. Active regions and prominences are visible. Lunt 60 mm DS THa/B1200CPT solar scope, ZWO ASI 174MM camera, SkyWatcher EQ6R-Pro mount.


John Hughes, 04 July 2022.

Prominences around the solar disk imaged at 08:02:48 UT. Equipment as preceding image.


John Hughes, 04 July 2022.

Active regions AR13045 and AR13047 imaged at 08:14:15 UT. Equipment as preceding image with TeleVue 4x Powermate.


John Hughes, 04 July 2022.

Active region AR13046 imaged at 08:40:01 UT. Equipment as preceding image.


John Hughes, 04 July 2022.

A prominence on the SE limb imaged at 08:43:25 UT. Equipment as preceding image.


John Hughes, 16 June 2022.

Active regions AR13030, AR13032, AR13033 and AR13034 imaged at 07:27:35 UT. Lunt 60 mm DS THa/B1200CPT solar scope, ZWO ASI 174MM camera, SkyWatcher EQ6R-Pro mount and TeleVue 4x Powermate.


John Hughes, 16 June 2022.

Active regions AR13031 and AR13037 imaged at 07:23:34 UT. Equipment as preceding image.


John Hughes, 16 June 2022.

Prominence on the north-east limb imaged at 07:46:49 UT. Inverted image. Equipment as preceding image.


John Hughes, 16 June 2022.

Prominence on the north-west limb imaged at 07:50:31 UT. Inverted image. Equipment as preceding image.


John Hughes, 16 June 2022.

Prominence on the southerm limb imaged at 07:53:10 UT. Inverted image. Equipment as preceding image.


John Hughes, 15 June 2022.

Active regions AR13030, AR13032, AR13033 and AR13034 imaged at 06:29:53 UT. AR13030 (N20W05), classified DAI, comprises 13 sunspots and has increased by six over the last 24 hours. It has increased in size to approximately 180 million km2. It has been producing flare activity including a short burst C3.2 flare between 07:21 and 07:29 UT this morning. AR13032 (N21E05) has reduced in size in the last 24 hours and has reduced from seven to four sunspots . Now some 300 million km2 in size, and classified CSO, it generated an M3.4 class flare 48 hours earlier. AR13033 (N17E25) has been relatively quiet, producing only two notable flares the largest being C.39 on 14 June. It has continued to increase in size and the number of sunspots, and has had 13 on view today. It covers some 360 million km2. AR13034 (N01E40) is now a single sunspot classified HSX. It has remained relatively constant in area at 300 million km2. It has yet to produce any notable flare activity. Lunt 60 mm DS THa/B1200CPT solar scope, ZWO ASI 174MM, SkyWatcher EQ6R-Pro mount and Altair Astro 3x Barlow.


John Hughes, 15 June 2022.

Active region AR13031 (S27W18) in "natural" Hα light imaged at 06:24:04 UT. The region has consistently expanded in size and now covers an area of approximately 720 million km2. The number of sunspots has increased from 15 to 26 in the last 24 hours. Classified EAI, the region has been actively producing flares. Equipment as preceding image.


John Hughes, 15 June 2022.

Inverted version of the preceding image. It reveals a "pyramid" prominence on the south west limb.


John Hughes, 15 June 2022.

Active regions AR13031, AR13034 and AR13035 imaged at 06:32:43 UT. AR13035 (S18E40) is a small active region designated CSO and comprising five sunspots. It has yet to produce any notable flares. Equipment as preceding image.


John Hughes, 15 June 2022.

Prominences on the west and south-west limb imaged at 06:55:15 UT. Equipment as preceding image.


John Hughes, 02 June 2022.

The solar disc at 07:23:53 UT. Prominences are visible on the north-west and south-east limbs, and there are three active regions in the southern hemisphere and one in the northern. Lunt 60 mm DS THa/B1200CPT solar scope, ZWO ASI174mm camera and SkyWatcher EQ6R-Pro mount.


John Hughes, 02 June 2022.

The prominence on the north-west limb. Taken at 08:12:43 UT. Equipment as for image of solar disk plus 4x TeleVue Powermate.


John Hughes, 02 June 2022.

The prominence on the south-east limb. Taken at 08:19:07 UT. Equipment as for image of solar disk plus 4x TeleVue Powermate.


John Hughes, 02 June 2022.

The three active regions in the southern hemisphere: AR13023, AR13024 and AR13027. Taken at 07:37:57 UT. Equipment as for image of solar disk plus Altair Astro 3x Barlow lens.


John Hughes, 02 June 2022.

Active region AR13023 in the southern hemisphere. Taken at 07:53:23 UT. Equipment as for image of solar disk plus 4x TeleVue Powermate.


John Hughes, 02 June 2022.

Active region AR13027 in the southern hemisphere. Two associated sunspots are clearly visible. Taken at 08:06:19 UT. Equipment as for image of solar disk plus 4x TeleVue Powermate.


John Hughes, 02 June 2022.

Active region AR13026 in the northern hemisphere. Taken at 07:33:47 UT. Equipment as for image of solar disk plus Altair Astro 3x Barlow lens.


John Hughes, 27 May 2022.

The solar disc at 09:14:51 UT. Sizeable prominences are visible on the south-west limb and there is a long s-shaped filament between active regions AR13023 and 13024. Lunt 60 mm DS THa/B1200CPT solar scope, ZWO ASI174mm camera and SkyWatcher EQ6R-Pro mount.


John Hughes, 27 May 2022.

Active regions AR13023 and AR13024. AR13023 is classified HAX and comprises two sunspots which are clearly visible. Later in the day it produced a class C1.3 flare. AR13024 is half the size of AR13023 and has only a single sunspot. Classified HSX it produced two flares during the day, of classes C1.0 and C1.4. Equipment as for image of solar disk plus 4x TeleVue Powermate.


John Hughes, 27 May 2022.

North and slightly west of AR13023/AR13024, AR13021 comprises three sunspots and is classified BXO. It produced flares later in the morning of classes C1.6 and C2.3. Equipment as for image of solar disk plus 4x TeleVue Powermate.


John Hughes, 27 May 2022.

Heading towards the north-west limb, AR13019 comprises a single sunspot. The region is classified AXX. Equipment as for image of solar disk plus 4x TeleVue Powermate.


John Hughes, 27 May 2022.

Prominences on the south-west limb. Equipment as for image of solar disk plus 4x TeleVue Powermate.


John Hughes, 12 May 2022.

The solar disc at 08:24:51 UT. Four active regions are visible. In the northern hemisphere: AR13008 and AR13009. The latter is classified CAO, comprising six sunspots and located at N16W27. In the southern hemisphere there are two much larger regions of activity, AR13007 and AR13006. Some prominences are also visible, mainly on the western limb. Lunt 60 mm DS THa/B1200CPT solar scope, ZWO ASI174mm camera and SkyWatcher EQ6R-Pro mount. Exposure time 0.99 ms, gain 189, frame rate 155 fps.


John Hughes, 12 May 2022.

Active region AR13007 imaged at 08:35:56 UT. Equipment as above. Approaching the eastern limb this area contains 34 sunspots having increased by 14 in the previous 24 hours. Classified EKC, it produced a single C class flare on 12 May and an M2.2 class flare peaking at 19:31 UT on 11 May. Exposure time 3.4 ms, gain 189, frame rate 148 fps.


John Hughes, 12 May 2022.

Active region AR13006 is now approaching the western limb and is pictured here close to a filament and the largest prominence on the limb today. This area of activity comprises 27 sunspots and is classified EAO. So far today it has been producing C class flares; it produced an X1.5 class flare on 10 May. Exposure time 3.7 ms, gain 189, frame rate 148 fps.


John Hughes, 12 May 2022.

Active region AR13008 imaged at 08:42:45 UT. Equipment as above. AR13008 is smaller than AR13007, with only five sunspots; however, it is growing in size having added two sunspots in the last 24 hours. Classified CRO it has yet to produce a flare. Exposure time 4.6 ms, gain 189, frame rate 148 fps.


John Hughes, 09 May 2022.

Active region AR13006 captured at 08:05:19 UT. Lunt 60 mm DS THa/B1200CPT solar scope, ZWO ASI174mm camera and SkyWatcher EQ6R-Pro mount, Altair Astro x3 Barlow lens. Exposure time 15 ms, frame rate 65 fps. Magnetic field lines are visible curving below the AR.


John Hughes, 09 May 2022.

Active region AR13006 captured at 09:13:37 UT. Equipment as above except for use of TeleVue x5 Powermate. The x5 Powermate together with the camera introduces significant over-sampling and noise so I binned the image 2x2. This allowed use of a low exposure setting (9 ms) and corresponding high frame rate (111 fps) which improved the signal to noise. The resulting image is smaller, but sharper than the above.


John Hughes, 09 May 2022.

A hedgerow prominence on the North West limb captured at 09:20:26 UT. Equipment as above.


John Hughes, 09 May 2022.

Active Region AR13004 with a number of prominences and filaments on the south-western limb. Captured at 08:12:27 UT. Equipment as above except for the use of x3 Barlow lens.


John Hughes, 06 May 2022.

On 06 May, most solar activity was located in the southern hemisphere with only a few filaments and a filaprom visible in the northern. This image and the next three show the main features. All were captured using a Lunt 60 mm DS THa/B1200CPT solar scope, ZWO ASI174mm camera and SkyWatcher EQ6R-Pro mount. Image of the southern hemisphere taken at 10:02:28 UT using a TeleVue 2.5x Powermate shows active regions (L-R) AR13006, AR13004 and AR13001 plus some fine filaments.


John Hughes, 06 May 2022.

The image, taken at 10:31:10 UT using an Altair Astro 3x Barlow lens, shows active region AR13001 as a single sunspot surrounded by some lovely filaments. The region of activity is classified Hsx.


John Hughes, 06 May 2022.

The image was taken at 10:37:58 UT using an Altair Astro 3x Barlow lens. It shows active region AR13006 coming off the south-eastern limb, prominences on the limb and a long filament on the solar disc.


John Hughes, 06 May 2022.

The image was taken at 10:40:43 UT using an Altair Astro 3x Barlow lens. It shows prominences on the north and north-west limbs and a filaprom.


John Hughes, 30 April 2022.

Active regions AR12999 (R) and AR13001 (L). Bright plage is visible around AR12999 along with some filaments stretching between the two ARs. Image captured at 10:22:39 UT. Lunt 60 mm DS THa/B1200CPT solar scope, ZWO ASI174mm camera, SkyWatcher EQ6R-Pro mount, TeleVue 4x Powermate.


John Hughes, 30 April 2022.

Activity on the western limb around active region AR12994 following a class M4.8 solar flare on the western limb. The flare commenced at 09:48 UT, peaked at 09:58 UT and ended at 10:06 UT. The time-lapse covers the period 10:31:45-11:25:07 UT. It plays forwards and backwards and, in the centre, shows a small surge prominence. The time-lapse is a little jerky as clouds started to roll in forcing a few frames to be dropped. Equipment as preceding image.


John Hughes, 30 April 2022.

The aftermath of the solar flare described above (the flare was at the bottom right of the image). Image captured at 10:19:12 UT, showing continuing activity in the region. The image is inverted, so dark areas represent bright regions. Also visible in the image is AR12995. Equipment as preceding image.


John Hughes, 30 April 2022.

Image captured at 10:05:50 UT, a few minutes prior to the above image. The small dot towards the bottom right is the remains of the solar flare. The image is inverted so the dot, appearing black, represents a very bright area. Equipment as preceding image with the exception of a different Barlow lens, Altair Astro 3x.


John Hughes, 25 April 2022.

A prominence on the south-western solar limb. Assembled from 107 video files, each comprising 500 frames captured at circa 40 fps. Imaging commenced at 08:58:34 UT and finished at 10:15:25 UT. Consecutive video files are separated by a gap of 30 seconds. Each individual video file was stacked in AutoStakkert3!, using the best 25% of frames. The resulting 107 images were then processed in PixInsight, aligned in ImPPG and turned into an animated GIF using PIPP. Lunt 60 mm DS THa/B1200CPT solar scope, ZWO ASI174mm camera with tilt adjuster, SkyWatcher EQ6R-Pro, Hutech Hinode Solar Guider and a TeleVue 2.5x Powermate.


Martin Cook, 24 April 2022.

Active Regions AR12993, AR12994, AR12995 and AR12996 captured at 12:15 UT. Lunt LS60THa/B1200 solar scope with 2.5x Barlow and ZWO ASI178mm camera.


Martin Cook, 24 April 2022.

The solar disk captured at 12:15 UT with active regions as preceding image. Lunt LS60THa/B1200 solar scope and ZWO ASI178mm camera.


John Hughes, 24 April 2022.

Active Region AR12991 captured at 08:58:29 UT. Lunt LS60 mm THa/B1200CPT solar scope with TeleVue 2.5x Powermate, ZWO ASI174mm camera with tilt adjuster, SkyWatcher EQ6R-Pro mount and Hutech Hinode Solar Guider.


John Hughes, 24 April 2022.

Active Regions AR12993, AR12994, AR12995 and AR12996 captured at 08:56:10 UT. Lunt LS60 mm THa/B1200CPT solar scope with TeleVue 2.5x Powermate, ZWO ASI174mm camera with tilt adjuster, SkyWatcher EQ6R-Pro mount and Hutech Hinode Solar Guider.


John Hughes, 21 April 2022.

The full solar disk captured at 10:20:37 UT. A six-pane mosaic acquired using a Lunt LS60 mm THa/B1200CPT solar scope with TeleVue 2.5x Powermate, ZWO ASI174mm camera with tilt adjuster, SkyWatcher EQ6R-Pro mount and Hutech Hinode Solar Guider.


John Hughes, 25 August 2021.

Active Region AR12860 located S27E36 on the solar disc and comprising 10 sunspots. The region has been classified Cao. The image has been inverted and false colour added. Lunt LS60THa/B1200CPT telescope with Tele Vue 4x Barlow lens, ZWO ASI174mm camera with tilt adapter and SkyWatcher EQ6R-Pro mount. 300 of 1000 frames stacked.


John Hughes, 19 August 2021.

The image shows a prominence which has been visible on the north-east limb of the solar disc for several days and which, due to the rotation of the Sun, has now moved partly on to the disc itself, resulting in a "filaprom". Active region AR12858 is positioned near the centre of the disc at N12E03 with six spots and is classified Cro. Lunt LS60THa/B1200CPT telescope, ZWO ASI174mm camera with tilt adapter, SkyWatcher EQ6R-Pro mount and an Altair Astro 3x Barlow lens.


John Hughes, 11 August 2021.

The solar disc showing active region AR12853 moving away from the eastern limb. Some filaments are visible below it, and some prominences in the 10 o’clock and 7 o’clock positions. Lunt LS60THa/B1200CPT telescope, ZWO ASI174mm camera with tilt adapter, SkyWatcher EQ6R-Pro mount. Images acquired using SharpCap Pro.


John Hughes, 11 August 2021.

A closer view of AR12853 from the preceding image. Three features are clearly visible: (1) bright regions within the active region - these are small, low energy class A flares; (2) a filament to the south and (3) another filament within the active region itself. Equipment as above plus Tele Vue 4x Powermate.


John Hughes, 11 August 2021.

The preceding image inverted, to provide a different perspective. The prominences are now visible on the solar limb.


John Hughes, 11 August 2021.

A cropped version of AR12853 providing greater detail from the preceding image. Imaged at 09:25 UT, AR12853 was producing low energy class A flares measuring 5.66x10-7 Wm-2. This increased to 9.43x10-7 Wm-2 at 19.30 UT. This doesn’t seem much until you consider the vast area covered by the flare region!


John Hughes, 11 August 2021.

The preceding image inverted.


John Hughes, 29 July 2021.

Prominence on the south-west limb. Lunt LS60THa/B1200CPT telescope, ZWO ASI174mm camera with tilt adapter, SkyWatcher EQ6R-Pro mount. Camera used in mono 16 mode and histogram increased to 80% to capture the chromosphere and prominences. Best 40% of 1,000 images stacked. Exposure time 10.7 ms, gain 100.


John Hughes, 29 July 2021.

Prominence on the north-east limb. Equipment and processing as above.


John Hughes, 29 July 2021.

Active region AR12847. Equipment and processing as above, except 5x Powermate used, exposure time 20 ms, gain 150 and camera binned 2x2. Binning increased the pixel size from 5.86 μm to 11.72 μm and enabled me to push processing further without introducing the noise I saw in a similar image without binning.


John Hughes, 13 July 2021.

Full disk inverted, providing an overview of prominences, active region AR12842 and active region AR12841 (no designated sunspot). Lunt LS60THa/B1200CPT telescope, ZWO ASI174mm camera with tilt adapter, SkyWatcher EQ6R-Pro mount. Exposure time 2 ms, gain 0. One hundred and twenty of 1,000 frames acquired using SharpCap Pro, processed using AutoStakkert 3, ImPPG, PIPP, Affinity Photo and PixInsight.


John Hughes, 13 July 2021.

Inverted image of AR12842, classification Hsx, along with a nice filament to the east. Also on view is an anomalous prominence, a curved prominence and straight pillar prominence. Exposure time 10 ms, gain 80. One hundred and seventy-four out of 1,000 frames stacked. Equipment and processing as above plus Altair Astro 3x Barlow.


John Hughes, 13 July 2021.

A straight pillar prominence located on the south-east limb. Note: approximately five hours earlier, at 10:20 UT, the feature was captured in the full disk image (two images above) and looked completely different. Exposure time 10.5 ms, gain 80. One hundred out of 1,000 frames. Equipment and processing as above.


John Hughes, 13 July 2021.

The above image inverted and rotated 90° clockwise with a solar ruler superimposed to enable estimation of the height of the straight prominence.


John Hughes, 24 June 2021.

The solar disk shows active region AR12833 moving out of view, and a large filament following. Lunt 60mm THa/B1200CPT, ZWO ASI174mm monochrome camera, SkyWatcher EQR6-Pro mount. Exposure 2 ms, gain 0. Processed using AutoStakkert 3 and PixInsight.


John Hughes, 24 June 2021.

The "ring of fire" reveals prominences on the solar limb. Equipment and processing as above. Exposure 5 ms, gain 200.


John Hughes, 24 June 2021.

Prominence on the north-east limb. Exposure 30 ms, gain 189. Equipment and processing as above plus Altair Astro 3x Barlow lens.


John Hughes, 24 June 2021.

A close up of the above prominence. Equipment and processing as above but TelevVue 5x Barlow lens rather than Altair Astro 3x. Exposure 30 ms, gain 200.


John Hughes, 24 June 2021.

Image scale superimposed on the prominence using Affinity Photo.


John Hughes, 24 June 2021.

Prominence on the north-west limb. Equipment and processing as above plus Altair Astro 3x Barlow lens. Exposure 30 ms, gain 189.


John Hughes, 24 June 2021.

Image scale superimposed on the prominence using Affinity Photo.


John Hughes, 10 June 2021.

A small prominence on the north west limb. Lunt 60mm THa/B1200CPT, ZWO ASI174mm, SkyWatcher EQR6-Pro and Altair Astro 3x Barlow. Exposure 18 ms, gain 210. Six hundred frames captured, best 25% stacked.


John Hughes, 10 June 2021.

Impressive prominences on the south west limb. Equipment and imaging details as above.


John Hughes, 10 June 2021.

Close up of AR12832, a small active region north of the centre of the solar disc. Exposure 11 ms, gain 45. One thousand frames captured, best 25% stacked. Equipment as above.


John Hughes, 10 June 2021.

Active region AR12829, close to the south west limb. Exposure 13 ms, gain 30. One thousand frames captured, best 25% stacked. Equipment as above.


John Hughes, 10 June 2021.

Solar disk captured at 08:34 UT. Exposure 2.5 ms, gain 0. One thousand frames, best 25% stacked. Equipment as above, minus Barlow lens.


John Hughes, 06 June 2021.

Active regions AR12827, AR12828 and AR12829. Note that there is no sunspot at present associated with AR12828. Lunt LS60THa/B1200CPT, ZWO ASI174mm, SkyWatcher EQ6R-Pro and Altair Astro 3x Barlow. One thousand frames captured, the best 25% stacked in Autostakkert 3 and processed in ImPPG and PixInsight.


John Hughes, 05 June 2021.

An inverted image reveals a filament to the east of active region AR12829. Equipment and processing as above.


John Hughes, 03 June 2021.

Active region AR12827 is fading and nearing its end as a visible sun spot as it approaches the western limb of the Sun. (The appearance of AR12827 over the eastern limb is recorded below.) Equipment and processing as above.


John Hughes, 31 May 2021.

A prominence on the south-western solar limb. Lunt 60mm THa/B1200CPT with 5x Powermate, ZWO ASI174mm and SkyWatcher EQ6R Pro. Time-lapse created from one hundred and fifty 500-frame videos separated by 60 s gaps. Videos captured 07:21-09:27 UT. I used AutoStakkert3! to stack each video retaining the best 25% of frames to create a TIF image. This created 184 TIF files which I bulk-processed with PixInsight, using Process Container to crop, sharpen and add colour to a single image and then Image Container to apply the same transformations to all the TIF files. Finally, I aligned the images using ImPPG and joined them in PIPP to create a time-lapse GIF.


John Hughes, 30 May 2021.

A prominence on the western solar limb. Equipment and processing as above, except time-lapse created from 34 videos, each comprising 1000 frames. Videos captured 08:44-09:18 UT. Watch out on the left of the prominence for a faint jet of plasma ejected into space.


John Hughes, 30 May 2021.

Active region AR12827 recently appeared on the eastern limb to begin its journey across the solar disc. Lunt LS60THa/B1200CPT, ZWO ASI174mm, SkyWatcher EQ6R-Pro and Altair Astro 3x Barlow. One thousand frames captured, the best 25% stacked in Autostakkert 3 and processed in ImPPG and PixInsight.


John Hughes, 24 May 2021.

Prominences and granulation are visible on the solar disc. Active region AR12824 is well placed for observation and the quieter AR12825 is appearing over the eastern limb. Hα image taken at 06:10:57 UT. Lunt 60mm THa/B1200CPT, ZWO ASI174mm and SkyWatcher EQ6R Pro. 2.5 ms exposure. Images captured using Sharp Cap Pro. Best 50% of 1000 images processed using AutoStakkert 3 (stacking); ImPPG (curve adjustment, no sharpening); Registax 6 (sharpening using wavelets) and PixInsight (final sharpening using restoration filter and s-curve applied to boost contrast).


John Hughes, 24 May 2021.

Active region AR12824. Image taken at 06:20:30 UT. Details as previous image except for use of Altair Astro x3 Barlow lens, 20 ms exposure and best 25% of 1000 frames stacked.


John Hughes, 24 May 2021.

Active region AR12824. Image taken at 06:31:31 UT. Details as above except for use of Tele Vue x5 Powermate and 30 ms exposure.


John Hughes, 12 May 2021.

Prominences, granulation and active regions AR12822 and AR12823 are visible in this Hα image taken at 05:50:24 UT. Lunt 60mm THa/B1200CPT, ZWO ASI174mm and SkyWatcher EQ6R Pro. Best 25% of 1,000 frames captured using Sharp Cap Pro, stacked in AutoStakkert 3 and processed in ImPPG and PixInsight.


John Hughes, 11 May 2021.

Close-up of active regions AR12822 and AR12823. Hα image taken at 09:56:24 UT. Equipment, imaging and processing as above.


John Hughes, 10 May 2021.

Prominences, granulation and active regions AR12822 and AR12823 are visible in this Hα image taken at 17:52 UT. Equipment, imaging and processing as above.


Martin Cook, 31 December 2020.

An image in Hα light at 13:12 UT shows considerable disturbance of the solar surface associated with active regions AR2794 and AR2795. Image captured two minutes after below image, with same equipment.


Martin Cook, 31 December 2020.

An image in Hα light at 13:10 UT shows a large prominence. The solar disk is over-exposed to bring out detail in the latter. Lunt LS60THa/B1200 telescope, x2 Barlow lens, ZWO ASI178mm camera.


Martin Cook, 07 November 2020.

An image in Hα light at 13:23 UT shows active region AR2781 on the solar surface. Lunt LS60THa/B1200 telescope, x2 Barlow lens, ZWO ASI178mm camera.


John Hughes, 31 July 2020.

The Sun at 07:53:33 UT displaying two active regions and a gigantic solar prominence. AR2768, which recently appeared on the north-western limb, is to the left above middle, a huge prominence is visible on the south-western limb (bottom left) and AR2767 is soon to disappear on the eastern limb (middle right). Lunt LS60THa/B1200CPT telescope, ZWO ASI174mm camera, SkyWatcher EQ6R-Pro mount. Image captured in SharpCap Pro and processed with AutoStakkert 2, ImPPG and PixInsight. Best 75% of 1000 frames. False colour.


John Hughes, 31 July 2020.

An overlay puts the image into context. It shows that the length of the prominence is at least 12 times the diameter of the Earth (12,756 km).


John Hughes, 31 July 2020.

Close-up of AR2768 at 08:09:55 UT. Details as preceding image, apart from use of Tele Vue 5x Powermate Barlow lens and no false colour. A close-up of AR2767 from five days earlier is below (two images down).


John Hughes, 31 July 2020.

Close-up of the prominence at 08:18:41 UT. Details as preceding image.


John Hughes, 26 July 2020.

Active region AR2767 taken at 07:51:31 UT. Lunt LS60THa/B1200CPT telescope with Tele Vue x5 Powermate Barlow lens, ZWO ASI174mm camera, SkyWatcher EQ6R-Pro mount. Image captured in SharpCap Pro and processed with AutoStakkert 2, ImPPG and PixInsight. Best 75% of 200 frames. False colour.


John Hughes, 22 June 2020.

The Sun in Hα light (of 656.28 nm wavelength) at 16:17 UT. Lunt LS60THa/B1200CPT telescope on SkyWatcher SolarQuest mount with ZWO ASI174mm camera and SharpCap Pro image capturing software. Exposure time was 2.649 ms. The image is formed from the best 75% of 200 frames, stacked using AutoStakkert2 with initial curve adjustments and sharpening in imPGG and final adjustments (de-hazing, contrast/brightness, embossing and colouring) in Affinity Photo.


John Hughes, 22 June 2020.

A close up of the above image showing the prominence on the north-eastern limb. Taken at 16:34 UT. Equipment and processing details as above, apart from: 2.5x Powermate Barlow lens used, exposure time 10.185 ms and image formed from best 25% of 200 frames.


Martin Cook, 09 June 2020.

The Sun in Hα light at 08:45 UT, with active region AR2765 showing a sunspot and filament. Lunt LS60THa/B1200 telescope, x2 Barlow lens, ZWO ASI178mm camera. 1.1 ms exposures. The image is formed from a stack of the best 15% of 2000 frames.


Martin Cook, 09 May 2020.

A prominence on the solar limb in Hα light at 11:00 UT. Lunt LS60THa/B1200 telescope, x2 Barlow lens, ZWO ASI178mm camera. The image is formed from two videos each of 2000 frames. One video, using 5 ms exposures, is of the surface; the other, using 25 ms exposures, is of the prominence. The best 20% of frames of each video were stacked, to produce two images which were then processed in Photoshop to mask unwanted parts of each, combine the two and add false colour.


Martin Cook, 26 April 2020.

A prominence on the solar limb in Hα light at 12:30 UT. Lunt LS60THa/B1200 telescope, x2 Barlow lens, ZWO ASI178mm camera. The image is formed from two videos each of 2000 frames. One video, using 7 ms exposures, is of the surface; the other, using 35 ms exposures, is of the prominence. The best 20% of frames of each video are stacked, to produce two images which are then processed in Photoshop to mask unwanted parts of each and combine the two.


Martin Cook, 04 April 2020.

A prominence on the solar limb in Hα light at 11:30 UT. Lunt LS60THa/B1200 telescope and ZWO ASI178mm camera.


Matthew Leeks, 08 September 2019.

Large prominences on the solar limb in Hα light. Lunt 60 mm telescope and Imaging Source DMK 41AU02 monochrome camera. Two one-minute videos captured for each of granulation and prominences. Approximately 1000 frames of each subject stacked down to one image of each, then overlapped and colourised.


Martin Cook, 26 August 2019.

Large prominence on the solar limb in Hα light at 14:20 UT. Lunt LS60THa/B1200 telescope, x2 Barlow lens, QHY5P-II colour camera at 42 fps. Best 20% of 2000 images stacked in RegiStax 6.


Martin Cook, 25 August 2019.

Large prominence on the solar limb in Hα light at 10:51 UT. Lunt LS60THa/B1200 telescope, QHY5P-II colour camera at 40 fps.


John Hughes, 16 May 2019.

Solar active region AR2741. The animation is composed of 24 frames displayed in a repeating loop. Frames are recorded every four minutes; each is created from an AVI comprising 1,000 images, of which the best 50% are stacked in AutoStakkert2. The 24 images were then processed in PhotoShop: levels adjusted for contrast, then two passes of unsharp mask. (First pass 300% at 1 pixel; second pass 40% at 5 pixels.) The GIF tool in PhotoShop was used to create the time-lapse with 80 ms between each frame. William Optics Z103ED, ZWO ASI174MM camera, DayStar Quark Chromosphere.


John Hughes, 14 May 2019.

Negative of the below image, showing the prominence more clearly.


John Hughes, 14 May 2019.

The solar surface. Compiled from two images, one capturing the surface detail of the Sun with a 10 ms exposure and gain of 40, and the other with same exposure but the gain increased to show the prominence on the limb more clearly, effectively overexposing the surface. The two images are then overlaid in Photoshop using the "difference" layer setting, sharpening applied and levels adjusted. Taken with William Optics Z61, Daystar Quark Chromosphere, SharpCap, AutoStakkert2 and processed in Photoshop.


John Hughes, 12 May 2019.

Solar active region AR2741, one of two sunspots visible today. There are two umbral regions surrounded by the penumbra and a small plage to the bottom left of the spot. William Optics (WO) Z103, WO 1.25" diagonal, DayStar Quark Chromosphere, ZWO ASI174MM camera, Celestron AVX mount. Image produced from 1,000 frames then the best 600 stacked in Autostakkert2. Processed in Photoshop.


Martin Cook, 11 November 2018.

A large solar prominence in Hα light, taken at 11:45 UT. Lunt LS50THa/B600PT solar telescope with 2x Barlow lens and QHY5P-II colour camera.


Martin Cook, 29 September 2018.

A large solar prominence in Hα light, taken at 10:30 UT. Lunt LS50THa/B600PT solar telescope with 2x Barlow lens and QHY5P-II colour camera.


Martin Cook, 05 August 2018.

A large solar flare in Hα light, taken at 12:00:04 UT. Lunt LS50THa/B600PT solar telescope with 2x Barlow lens and QHY5L-II colour camera. No sunspots were visible.


Martin Cook, 08 July 2018.

Image of the Sun in Hα light, taken at 09:30 UT. Lunt LS50THa/B600PT solar telescope and QHY5L-II colour camera. Note the large flares at the two o'clock and five o'clock positions.


Martin Cook, 07 May 2018.

Images of the Sun in Hα light, taken at 13:00 UT. Lunt LS50THa/B600PT solar telescope and QHY5L-II colour camera. There is a flare at the one o'clock position (shown with close-up).


Martin Cook, 22 April 2018.

Images of the Sun in Hα light, taken at 13:09 UT. Lunt LS50THa/B600PT solar telescope and QHY5L-II colour camera. There is a large flare at the 12 o'clock position (shown with close-up) and a smaller one at 10 o’clock. At seven o’clock is sunspot group AR 2706.


Andy Gibbs, 19 April 2018.

The disc of the Sun is featureless, but a few small prominences are visible around the lower edge (with close-up at bottom right). Coronado PST and QHY5L-II camera on Skywatcher Star Adventurer mount.


David Murton, 20 August 2017.

Montage of images of the Sun in Hα light, taken 08:31-08:52 UT. Coronada PST with Altair GPCAMv2 IMX224 camera. Shows granulation, spicules, prominences, sunspots and plages.


Andy Gibbs, 13 July 2017.

Large sunspot AR2665. The disturbance had started to decay but, a day later, unleashed a CME (coronal mass ejection) which was predicted to hit the Earth on 16-17 July. Coronado PST and QHY5L-II camera on Skywatcher Star Adventurer mount.


David Murton, 04 June 2017.

The Sun in Hα light, taken at 09:12 UT. Coronada PST with Altair GPCAMv2 IMX224 camera. Composite of smaller images stitched together.


David Murton, 04 June 2017.

The Sun in Hα light, taken at 09:08 UT. Coronada PST with Altair GPCAMv2 IMX224 camera. Composite of smaller images stitched together.


David Murton, 26 May 2017.

The Sun in Hα light, taken just before midday, UT. Coronado PST with Altair GPCAMv2 IMX224 camera and 2x Barlow lens.


Andy Gibbs, 24 March 2017.

The Sun in white light. Meade 200 mm LX200 SCT. Kendrick white light filter. QHY5L-II camera. Just one sunspot (AR 2643) was visible; it had appeared after 15 spotless days at the beginning of the month.


David Murton, 03 September 2016.

The Sun in white light. William Optics ZS71 ED 71 mm, f/5.9 refractor on NEQ6 mount. Orion white light filter. Altair GPCAM v2 IMX224 camera. Image taken 10 minutes after the below one.


David Murton, 03 September 2016.

The Sun in Hα.Coronado PST with Altair GPCAM v2 IMX224 camera.


David Murton, 30 August 2016.

The Sun in Hα. Coronado PST with Altair GPCAM v2 IMX224 camera.


David Murton, 02 July 2016.

The Sun in Hα. Coronado PST with Altair GPCAM v2 IMX224 camera. Many filaments are visible but no spots or prominences.


David Murton, 25 June 2016.

The Sun in Hα. Coronado PST with Altair GPCAM v2 IMX224 camera.


David Murton, 29 May 2016.

Details and equipment as below image. Taken on Day 2 of OASI's "Astronomy in the Park" event.


David Murton, 28 May 2016.

The Sun in Hα. Coronado PST with Altair GPCAM v2 IMX224 camera. Taken on Day 1 of OASI's "Astronomy in the Park" event in Christchurch Park, Ipswich.


David Murton, 01 May 2016.

The Sun in white light. William Optics ZS71 ED 71 mm, f/5.9 refractor on NEQ6 mount. Orion white light filter. Altair GPCAM camera.


David Murton, 01 May 2016.

Details and equipment as below image.


David Murton, 01 May 2016.

The Sun in Hα. Coronado PST and Altair GPCAM v2 IMX224 camera.


David Murton, 17 April 2016.

The Sun in white light with a huge sunspot about to disappear over the western limb while a smaller one has recently appeared at the eastern limb. William Optics ZS71 ED 71 mm, f/5.9 refractor on NEQ6 mount. Orion white light filter. Altair GPCAM camera. Close up using 4x Powermate.


David Murton, 29 March 2016.

A quiescent Sun. William Optics ZS71 ED 71 mm, f/5.9 refractor on NEQ6 mount. Altair GPCAM camera. Close up using 4x Powermate.


David Murton, 27 September 2015.

The Sun in Hα. Coronado PST and QHY5L-II planetary camera.


Kev Fulcher, 26 September 2015.

Skywatcher 200P on HEQ5 mount, RA driven. White light filter. Canon 70D camera.


David Murton, 27 June 2015.

The Sun in Hα. Coronado PST and QHY5L-II planetary camera. (Taken at same time as below image.)


David Murton, 27 June 2015.

The Sun in white light.


Martin Richmond-Hardy, 14 April 2015.

Sunspots in white light. Skywatcher 200PDS Dobsonian, white-light Baader solar filter, 2x Barlow, Canon EOS 500D.


David Murton, 23 March 2015.

The Sun in Hα. Coronado PST and QHY5L-II planetary camera.


Martin Richmond-Hardy, 25 October 2014.

The Sun with close-up of active region AR2192. White light. Skywatcher 200PDS Dobsonian, Baader solar filter, 2x Barlow for close-up, Canon EOS 500D.


Martin Richmond-Hardy, 23 August 2014.

The Sun in white light. Skywatcher 200PDS Dobsonian, Baader solar filter, Canon EOS 500D.


Martin Richmond-Hardy, 07 July 2014.

Sunspots in white light. Skywatcher 200PDS Dobsonian, 2x Barlow, Baader solar filter, Canon EOS 500D.


Martin Richmond-Hardy, 03 July 2014.

Sunspots in white light. Skywatcher 200PDS Dobsonian, 2x Barlow, Baader solar filter, Canon EOS 500D.


Mike Harlow, 05 January 2014.

The Sun in white light, with active region AR1944 (visible to the naked eye with a solar filter). The image was taken shortly after sunrise, with the Sun at very low altitude, so suffers from atmospheric distortion. Canon 550D with 500 mm Tamron lens.


Jeremy Hennell James, 29 July 2013.

Sunspots and faculae in white light. Skywatcher 150 mm reflector with AstroZap Baader solar filter, Canon 5D MkIII.


Andy Gibbs, 25 July 2012.

Large prominence in Hα. Coronado PST and Meade LPI.


Mike Harlow, 12 July 2012.

The Sun in white light, with active region AR1520 (visible to the naked eye with a solar filter). Canon 550D with 500 mm lens and ND5 solar filter.


Mike Norris, 13 May 2012.

The Sun in white light with sunspot group AR1476. Celestron C90 spotting scope with Baader AstroSolar Film and Meade 26 mm eyepiece (48x magnification). Hand-held Lumix compact camera.


Mike Harlow, 08 May 2012.

Large sunspot group below imaged one day later. Equipment as below.


Mike Harlow, 07 May 2012.

Large sunspot group in white light. Canon 550D with 500 mm lens and ND5 solar filter.


Martin Cook, 02 June 2010.

Solar flare in Hα. Coronado PST and Olympus C765 camera using eyepiece projection.


Martin Cook, 24 May 2010.

Solar flare in Hα. Coronado PST and Olympus C765 camera using eyepiece projection.


Martin Cook, 27 October 2003.

White light image of solar active regions AR10484-9. Active regions AR10484 and AR10486 are among the largest ever recorded: AR10484 grew to approximately the size of the planet Jupiter! On 04 November 2003, AR10486 emitted a gigantic solar flare which, fortunately, was not aimed directly at Earth and therefore did not disrupt communications. Photograph of solar projection using 250 mm Dobsonian.


Martin Cook, 28 May 2001.

White light image of sunspots in active region AR9463 (soon to disappear over the western limb). Photograph of image projected onto white card using the Tomline Refractor at Orwell Park Observatory.


Roy Adams, 26 April 1984.

White light image of sunspot group circa 280,000 km in diameter.


Roy Adams, 30 January 1984.

White light image of below sunspot group soon to disappear over the western limb. Image taken with same equipment as below. 8 ms exposure on 32 ASA film.


Roy Adams, 25 January 1984.

White light image of sunspot group recently emerged over the eastern limb. 48 mm object glass coupled to Zenith camera giving 140x magnification. Solar filter. 2 ms exposure.