Orwell Astronomical Society (Ipswich)
The Moon, 15 November 1972 - 11 May 2022
Andy Gibbs, 11 May 2022.
Crater Clavius is prominent with the Moon displaying a 74% waxing gibbous phase. ZWO ASI178MC camera used with the Tomline Refractor at Orwell Park Observatory. Image captured and processed using Autostakkert 3, Registax 6 and Affinity Photo.
Andy Gibbs, 11 May 2022.
Crater Copernicus is prominent with the Moon displaying a 74% waxing gibbous phase. Capture and processing details as above image.
John Hughes, 20 February 2021.
Crater Eratosthenes. Celestron Nexstar 6SE SCT, ZWO ASI174mm camera, Celestron AVX mount, 2.5x Barlow. Images acquired using Sharpcap. Captured 1,000 frames and used the best 200 to create the image. Aligned using PIPP software, stacked in Autostakkert 3 and sharpened in PixInsight.
Andy Gibbs, 14 January 2019.
Crater Plato and Mare Imbrium. QHY5L-II camera, Explore Scientific ED80 CF refractor, 2.5x Barlow, Skywatcher Star Adventurer mount. Image captured with Sharpcap 3.1 and processed in Registax 6. Image captured and processed during an OASI astro-imaging session at Newbourne Village Hall.
Andy Gibbs, 25 August 2018.
Crater Copernicus and its bright ray system. Meade 200 mm LX200, 2.5x Barlow, ZWO atmospheric dispersion corrector and QHY5L-II colour CMOS camera.
Nicky Richards, 31 March 2018.
Full Moon. The best of 30 images taken with a Lumix digital camera mounted on a tripod.
Ian Hastie, 31 March 2018.
Full Moon. Canon EOS 1200D camera with 300 mm lens at f/5.6. 1/2000 s exposure at ISO 800. Taken at 20:42 UT.
Martin Cook, 25 January 2018.
Rupes Recta in Mare Nubium. The feature is 110 km long, 240-300 m high and 2–3 km wide. 254 mm Dobsonian reflector on Skywatcher HEQ5 Pro mount. QHY5L-II camera. Two minutes of video stacked in Registax 5. Taken circa 20:00 UT.
Martin Cook, 25 January 2018.
Lunar crater Tycho and surrounding area. Tycho is 85 km wide, 4.8 km deep and has a 2.25 km-high central peak. Equipment details and time of observation as above image.
James Appleton, 29 October 2017.
Meade LX-200 254 mm SCT on Meade equatorial mount. Canon EOS camera with 2x Barlow lens. Stack of best 87 frames from 99 at 1/1600 s exposure, ISO 10,000. Processed with PIPP v2.5.9, Registax 6.0 and GIMP 2.8.10.
David Murton, 16 September 2017.
Skywatcher 190 mm Maksutov-Newtonian on NEQ6 mount. Single shot with Canon 60Da camera.
David Murton, 16 September 2017.
Schiller and Phocylides and surrounding region at 06:15 UT. 200 mm Meade SCT with Altair GPCAMv2 IMX224 camera.
David Murton, 16 September 2017.
Crater Shickard and surrounding area at 06:17 UT. 200 mm Meade SCT with Altair GPCAMv2 IMX224 camera.
David Murton, 16 September 2017.
Crater Sirsalis and surrounding area at 06:20 UT. 200 mm Meade SCT with Altair GPCAMv2 IMX224 camera.
James Appleton, 09 September 2017.
Meade LX-200 254 mm SCT on Meade equatorial mount. Canon 1100D camera with 2x Barlow lens. Stack of best 21 frames from 25 at 1/250 s exposure, ISO 6400. Processed with PIPP v2.5.9, Registax 6.0 and GIMP 2.8.10. The craters Piccolomini and Hommel are prominent (respectively at top with central peak and at bottom with three large internal craters).
James Appleton, 02 September 2017.
Meade LX-200 254 mm SCT on Meade equatorial mount. Canon 1100D camera. Stack of best 52 frames from 103 at 1/125 s exposure, ISO 400. Processed with PIPP v2.5.9, Registax 6.0 and GIMP 2.8.10. The prominent rayed crater Tycho is towards the bottom of the image.
David Murton, 05 July 2017.
Gibbous Moon. Skywatcher 190 mm Maksutov-Newtonian on NEQ6 mount. Single shot with Canon 60Da camera. Conditions were good and much detail is visible in the image.
David Murton, 02 July 2017.
Vallis Alpes. 200 mm Meade SCT with Altair GPCAMv2 IMX224 camera. Best 150 images of 600 processed. Stacked with Registax 6 and processed with Gimp.
David Murton, 02 July 2017.
Mare Imbrium and Montes Apenninus. Taken at 19:30 UT. 200 mm Meade SCT with Altair GPCAMv2 IMX224 camera. Composite of two frames, each formed from best 150 images of 600 taken. Stacked with Registax 6 and processed with Gimp.
David Murton, 02 July 2017.
Mare Frigorus. Taken at 19:20 UT. 200 mm Meade SCT with Altair GPCAMv2 IMX224 camera. Best 150 images of 600 processed. Stacked with Registax 6 and processed with Gimp.
David Murton, 01 June 2017.
Mare Frigoris, with the prominent craters Aristoteles (N) and Eudoxus (S). 200 mm Meade SCT with Altair GPCAMv2 IMX224 camera. Mosaic of several images. Taken at 20:43 UT.
David Murton, 01 June 2017.
Slightly south of the above image, taken with the same equipment. Taken at 20:39 UT.
David Murton, 01 June 2017.
Area from crater Stöfler towards the lunar S pole. 200 mm Meade SCT with Altair GPCAMv2 IMX224 camera. Mosaic of several images. Taken at 20:41 UT.
David Murton, 01 June 2017.
Lunar surface around the prominent craters (N-S) Manilius, Agrippa and Godin. (Only the lower two are visible in the thumbnail). Note also rimae Hyginus and Ariadaeus. 200 mm Meade SCT with Altair GPCAMv2 IMX224 camera. Mosaic of several images. Taken at 20:37 UT.
David Murton, 31 May 2017.
South from Mare Tranquillitatus through Sinus Asperitatus to Mare Nectaris. 200 mm Meade SCT with Altair GPCAMv2 IMX224 camera. Mosaic of several images. Taken at 21:20 UT.
David Murton, 31 May 2017.
A similar view to the preceding, encompassing a slightly smaller vista. Same equipment. Taken at 21:15 UT.
David Murton, 31 May 2017.
Mare Crisium and surrounding area in the NE quadrant. 200 mm Meade SCT with Altair GPCAMv2 IMX224 camera. Mosaic of several images. Taken at 21:12 UT.
David Murton, 09 March 2017.
The Moon with a libration favourable to viewing the north-eastern limb: β=2.0°, λ=4.5°. Mosaic of 12 images. Skywatcher 190 mm Maksutov-Newtonian on NEQ6 mount. Altair GPCAMv2 IMX224 camera.
David Murton, 09 March 2017.
Close-up from the image before preceding of features close to the north-eastern limb.
David Murton, 04 December 2016.
Crescent Moon and Jupiter. William Optics ZS71 ED 71 mm, f/5.9 refractor with 4x Powermate. Altair GPCAMv2 IMX224 camera.
David Murton, 17 October 2016.
The Moon over Felixstowe Docks. Image taken from Shotley with William Optics ZS71 ED 71 mm, f/5.9 refractor and Canon 60Da camera.
David Murton, 11 October 2016.
The Moon seen from Alnesbourne Priory, while waiting for a transit of the ISS (which was not observed due to last-minute cloud).
David Murton, 20 July 2016.
The Moon rising from Felixstowe, looking to the south-east over the North Sea. Canon 1100D camera with Canon 90-300 mm lens.
David Murton, 20 July 2016.
Canon 1100D camera with Canon 90-300 mm lens used to image the background. Close-up of Moon superimposed, taken with William Optics ZS71 ED 71 mm, f/5.9 refractor.
David Murton, 21 March 2016.
Craters J Herschel and Carpenter, near the northern limb. Skywatcher 200PDS 200 mm f/5 Newtonian on NEQ6 mount. Altair GPCAM camera, 4x Powermate.
David Murton, 21 March 2016.
From Montes Jura east, between Mare Imbrium and Mare Frigorus. Skywatcher 200PDS 200 mm f/5 Newtonian on NEQ6 mount. Altair GPCAM camera, 4x Powermate.
David Murton, 21 March 2016.
Sinus Iridum. Skywatcher 200PDS 200 mm f/5 Newtonian on NEQ6 mount. Altair GPCAM camera, 4x Powermate.
David Murton, 21 March 2016.
Vallis Schröteri. Skywatcher 200PDS 200 mm f/5 Newtonian on NEQ6 mount. Altair GPCAM camera, 4x Powermate.
David Murton, 21 March 2016.
Wide-angle view of Vallis Schröteri. Skywatcher 200PDS 200 mm f/5 Newtonian on NEQ6 mount. Altair GPCAM camera, 4x Powermate.
David Murton, 17 March 2016.
Hadley Rille. Skywatcher 200PDS 200 mm f/5 Newtonian on NEQ6 mount. Altair GPCAM camera, 4x Powermate.
David Murton, 17 March 2016.
Mare Imbrium. Skywatcher 200PDS 200 mm f/5 Newtonian on NEQ6 mount. Altair GPCAM camera with SharpCap 2.7, 4x Powermate. Mosiac of 12 frames stacked with Registax (each panel of the mosaic based on the best 28 frames out of 400). Zoom in to see the rille in the bottom of Vallis Alpes.
David Murton, 16 February 2016.
Gibbous Moon. Skywatcher 200PDS 200 mm f/5 Newtonian on NEQ6 mount. A composite of 16 frames stacked from videos taken with an Altair GPCAM camera, processed in Registax, Microsoft ICE and GIMP.
David Murton, 11 February 2016.
Three-day old crescent Moon. Skywatcher 200PDS 200 mm f/5 Newtonian on NEQ6 mount. Canon 60Da camera. Eight frames captured with EOS movi-record software, stitched together with Microsoft ICE.
David Murton, 03 February 2016.
Third-quarter Moon. Skywatcher 200PDS 200 mm f/5 Newtonian on NEQ6 mount. QHY5L-II colour camera and 4x Powermate.
David Murton, 03 February 2016.
Crater Baily close to the western limb. Skywatcher 200PDS 200 mm f/5 Newtonian on NEQ6 mount. QHY5L-II colour camera and 4x Powermate.
David Murton, 03 February 2016.
Craters Schickard, Nasmyth and Phocylides. Skywatcher 200PDS 200 mm f/5 Newtonian on NEQ6 mount. QHY5L-II colour camera and 4x Powermate.
David Murton, 03 February 2016.
Craters Schickard, Nasmyth and Phocylides. Skywatcher 200PDS 200 mm f/5 Newtonian on NEQ6 mount. QHY5L-II colour camera and 4x Powermate.
David Murton, 23 January 2016.
A video of the Moon captured the silhouette of an aircraft in transit.
David Murton, 17 January 2016.
Between clouds, the sky was very transparent, enabling detailed views to be captured of the lunar surface. Eastern edge of Mare Imbrium, with craters Archimedes, Aristillus and Autolycus. Skywatcher 200PDS 200 mm f/5 Newtonian on NEQ6 mount. QHY5L-II colour camera and 4x Powermate.
David Murton, 17 January 2016.
Eastern edge of Mare Imbrium, slightly north of preceding image. Shows crater Cassini and Vallis Alpes. Skywatcher 200PDS 200 mm f/5 Newtonian on NEQ6 mount. QHY5L-II colour camera and 4x Powermate.
David Murton, 17 January 2016.
Ptolomaeus, Alphonsus and Arzachel on the terminator. Skywatcher 200PDS 200 mm f/5 Newtonian on NEQ6 mount. QHY5L-II colour camera and 4x Powermate.
David Murton, 17 January 2016.
Eastern end of Mare Frigoris. Skywatcher 200PDS 200 mm f/5 Newtonian on NEQ6 mount. QHY5L-II colour camera and 4x Powermate.
David Murton, 17 January 2016.
Craters Maurolycus and Gemma Frisorus. Skywatcher 200PDS 200 mm f/5 Newtonian on NEQ6 mount. QHY5L-II colour camera and 4x Powermate.
David Murton, 17 January 2016.
Eastern hemisphere of the Moon, obtained by stitching together several smaller images. Skywatcher 200PDS 200 mm f/5 Newtonian on NEQ6 mount. QHY5L-II colour camera and 4x Powermate.
Martin Cook, 01 January 2016.
Lunar south pole. Skywatcher 200PDS 200 mm f/5 Newtonian. First image taken from Martin's home observatory!
Andy Gibbs, 20 December 2015.
Crater Plato. Meade 200 mm LX200, 2.5x Barlow and QHY5L-II colour CMOS camera. Images stacked with Registax 6.
Andy Gibbs, 20 December 2015.
Crater Clavius. Meade 200 mm LX200, 2.5x Barlow and QHY5L-II colour CMOS camera. Images stacked with Registax 6.
Andy Gibbs, 20 December 2015.
Lunar Alps. Meade 200 mm LX200, 2.5x Barlow and QHY5L-II colour CMOS camera. Images stacked with Registax 6.
David Murton, 25 October 2015.
Vallis Schröteri and craters Herodotus and Aristarchus. Skywatcher 200PDS 200 mm f/5 Newtonian on HEQ5 mount with QHY5L-II camera.
Martin Richmond-Hardy, 19 September 2015.
Moon shortly before first quarter, taken during a star party at Nowton Park. 200 mm, f/6 Skywatcher Newtonian Dobsonian, EOS 500D camera at ISO 200, 1/80th s exposure. The slight brown tint is due to the absence of an infrared block in the camera.
David Murton, 24 August 2015.
Gibbous Moon. William Optics ZS71 ED 71 mm, f/5.9 refractor on HEQ5 mount with Canon 1100D camera.
Kev Fulcher, 22 August 2015.
First quarter Moon. Single shot with Canon 30D camera and 300 mm lens. Taken from Shingle Street on the east coast of Suffolk (offering a dark sky to the eastern horizon).
Kev Fulcher, 22 August 2015.
First quarter Moon. Single shot with Canon 30D camera, 300 mm lens with 2x teleconverter.
David Murton, 15 August 2015.
Mare Imbrium and Mare Frigoris. Skywatcher 200PDS 200 mm f/5 Newtonian with 2x Barlow, HEQ5 mount, Canon 1100D.
David Murton, 15 August 2015.
Crater Plato plus surrounding area in Mare Imbrium and Mare Frigoris. Skywatcher 200PDS 200 mm f/5 Newtonian with 2x Barlow, HEQ5 mount, Canon 1100D.
David Murton, 15 August 2015.
Crater Copernicus plus surrounding area. Skywatcher 200PDS 200 mm f/5 Newtonian with 2x Barlow, HEQ5 mount, Canon 1100D.
David Murton, 15 August 2015.
Craters Clavius and Tycho and surrounding area. Skywatcher 200PDS 200 mm f/5 Newtonian with 2x Barlow, HEQ5 mount, Canon 1100D.
David Murton, 15 August 2015.
Crater Longomontanus plus surrounding area. Skywatcher 200PDS 200 mm f/5 Newtonian with 2x Barlow, HEQ5 mount, Canon 1100D.
David Murton, 28 July 2015.
Gibbous Moon - mosaic of six images. Skywatcher 200PDS 200 mm f/5 Newtonian on HEQ5 mount with Canon 1100D camera in video mode using EOS movie record software, 2x Barlow lens. Videos stacked in Registax 6, processed in GIMP and Microsoft ICE. Compare with next image.
David Murton, 28 July 2015.
Gibbous Moon - single image. Skywatcher 200PDS 200 mm f/5 Newtonian on HEQ5 mount with Canon 1100D camera in video mode using EOS movie record software. Video stacked in Registax 6 and processed in GIMP. Compare with preceding image.
David Murton, 23 June 2015.
Region between western edge of Mare Tranquillitatis and eastern rims of Mare Vaporum / Sinus Medii. Craters Agrippa and Godin are centre, with Rima Ariadaeus running R→L above centre. Crater Julius Caesar is to top right. Skywatcher 200PDS 200 mm f/5 Newtonian on HEQ5 mount with QHY5L-II colour camera and 4x Powermate.
David Murton, 21 April 2015.
Crescent Moon and Aldebaran (visible at bottom right in full image, but not in thumbnail). Canon 1100D.
Andy Gibbs, 06 January 2015.
Crater Petavius. Meade 200 mm LX200, 2.5x Barlow and QHY5L-II colour CMOS camera at approximately 50 fps. Processed with Autostakkert, Registax 6 and Photoshop Elements 11.
David Murton, 24 December 2014.
Crescent Moon. Skywatcher 200PDS 200 mm f/5 Newtonian on HEQ5 mount. Canon 1100D with EOS movie software used to make six videos, stacked into six images and combined to form a mosaic.
Kev Fulcher, 04 September 2014.
Plato and Mare Frigoris. Skywatcher Explorer 200 P. Single shot with webcam.
Kev Fulcher, 04 September 2014.
Mare Imbrium. Skywatcher Explorer 200 P with 2x Barlow lens. Single shot with Canon 30D.
Kev Fulcher, 04 September 2014.
Gibbous Moon. Skywatcher Explorer 200 P with 2x Barlow lens. Single shot with Canon 30D.
Martin Cook, 31 August 2014.
North polar region and Saturn. First test shot of the Moon with a new Skywatcher 200PDS 200 mm f/5 Newtonian.
David Murton, 10 August 2014.
Atmospheric view of the Moon close to the horizon emerging from cloud, simultaneously at full phase and perigee. The press coined the term "supermoon" to describe the phenomenon, in the expectation that the Moon would appear larger and brighter than usual. Canon 1100D camera.
Kev Fulcher, 22 July 2014.
Western hemisphere. Skywatcher Explorer 200 P with 2x Barlow lens. Single shot with Canon 30D.
Kev Fulcher, 22 July 2014.
South polar region. Skywatcher Explorer 200 P. Single shot with Canon 30D.
Andy Gibbs, 08 April 2014.
Crater Eratosthenes. Meade 200 mm LX200, 2.5x Barlow and QHY5L-II colour CMOS camera at approximately 36 fps. Processed with Autostakkert, Registax 6 and Photoshop Elements 11.
David Murton, 11 March 2014.
Skywatcher 200PDS 200 mm f/5 Newtonian on HEQ5 mount with Canon 1100D. Video captured on DSLR, converted to AVI format in PIPP (Planetary Imaging PreProcessor) then stacked with Registax.
David Murton, 11 March 2014.
Mare Imbrium. Skywatcher 200PDS 200 mm f/5 Newtonian on HEQ5 mount with Canon 1100D.
David Murton, 11 March 2014.
Copernicus. Skywatcher 200PDS 200 mm f/5 Newtonian on HEQ5 mount with Canon 1100D.
David Murton, 11 March 2014.
Tycho and the south polar region. Skywatcher 200PDS 200 mm f/5 Newtonian on HEQ5 mount with Canon 1100D. Single exposure.
Matthew Leeks, 11 January 2014.
South polar region. DSLR camera with Tomline Refractor at Orwell Park Observatory.
Matthew Leeks, 11 January 2014.
Copernicus. DSLR camera with Tomline Refractor at Orwell Park Observatory.
Matthew Leeks, 11 January 2014.
Mare Imbrium, Plato and Mare Frigoris. DSLR camera with Tomline Refractor at Orwell Park Observatory.
David Murton, 09 January 2014.
Gibbous Moon. Skywatcher 200PDS 200 mm f/5 Newtonian on HEQ5 mount with Canon 1100D. Barlow lens. Mosaic of two images.
David Murton, 09 December 2013.
Terminator. Skywatcher 200PDS 200 mm f/5 Newtonian on HEQ5 mount with Canon 1100D. Mosaic of two images.
David Murton, 22 September 2013.
Mare Serenitatis and Mare Tranquillitatis. 200 mm Dobsonian with 20 mm eyepiece. Exposure 1/125 s at ISO 200. The image is a raw jpeg that could be improved by processing.
Steve Shapland, 22 September 2013.
South polar region. Hand-held 8 MP camera phone at the eyepiece. Image tweaked on the computer.
Mike Norris, 14 September 2013.
First quarter Moon. Skywatcher Explorer 130 P Newtonian, alt/az mount. Lumix compact camera hand-held to 26 mm eyepiece giving 28x magnification. Exposure 1/80 s, f/2.8, ISO 80.
Jeremy Hennell James, 19 July 2013.
Gibbous Moon. Skywatcher 150 mm reflector. Canon 5D MkIII camera, single exposure of 1/60 s at ISO 200.
Martin Richmond-Hardy, 16 June 2013.
First quarter Moon. Skywatcher 200PDS 200 mm f/5 Newtonian Dobsonian with Canon EOS 500D. Single exposure of 1/15 s at ISO 800, processed with Photoshop Elements.
Andy Gibbs, 01 March 2012.
Rupes Recta. Meade 200 mm LX200 SCT with 2x Barlow lens (overall focal ratio f/20) and Atik Titan camera.
Andy Gibbs, 05 December 2011.
Crater Clavius. Meade 200 mm LX200 SCT with 2x Barlow lens (overall focal ratio f/20) and Atik Titan camera.
Mike Harlow, 14 February 2011.
Gibbous Moon. 300 mm reflector with prime focus corrector to eliminate coma and give a flat field ideal for CCD imaging. FoV 42x42 arcmin. The image was captured in a single shot, without mosaicing and with minimal processing. The focus of the instrument has not been fine-tuned but, nevertheless, the image shows great potential.
Mike Harlow, 01 May 2009.
First quarter Moon. Early version of 300 mm reflector minus prime focus corrector and stopped down to give an 80 mm, f/16 off-axis, unobstructed instrument, with FoV 23x17 arcmin. Mosaic of three images, each the best of several 20 ms exposures, all slightly different due to atmospheric turbulence, combined with the free IRIS software package. If you look closely you can see the joins!
Mike Whaybray, 07 June 2006.
Region of Mare Humorum, Mare Nubium and Palus Epidemiarum. Meade Lunar & Planetary Imaging (LPI) camera in place of the eyepiece at the Tomline Refractor. Image processed with Registax by Pete Richards. Lunar phase 84% waxing. (One of the first images captured with the LPI, shortly after it was acquired.)
Martin Cook, 18 April 2005.
Southern polar region. Image captured with a handheld digital pocket camera (afocal coupling) during first light of OASI's Millennium Telescope.
Neil Morley, 03 January 2002.
Composite of part of the gibbous Moon. Taken with Casio QV-2000 camera coupled afocally to a Meade ETX-70 with a 25 mm Plössl eyepiece.
James Appleton, 10 August 2000.
Clavius and surrounding region. 250 mm Meade LX-200 SCT used in eyepiece projection mode, with 18 mm eyepiece, 0.01 s exposure, Starlight Express MX916 CCD camera.
James Appleton, 23 July 1999.
Gibbous Moon. 250 mm Meade LX-200 SCT used in prime focus mode, 1/8 s exposure on 50 ISO print film, scanned.
James Appleton, 25 June 1999.
South polar region showing the prominent craters Tycho, Clavius, Blancanus, Gruemberger and Moretus. 250 mm Meade LX-200 SCT used in eyepiece projection mode, 2 s exposure on 50 ISO print film, scanned.
James Appleton, 25 June 1999.
Gibbous Moon (phase 92%, waxing) showing the prominent ray craters Tycho and Copernicus. 250 mm Meade LX-200 SCT used in prime focus mode, 1/180 s exposure on 400 ISO print film, scanned.
James Appleton, 04 August 1998.
South pole of the Moon. 250 mm Meade LX-200 SCT, 0.5 s exposure on 200 ISO print film, scanned.
Mike Harlow, 18 April 1995.
Region near Mare Imbrium. 300 mm Newtonian reflector with Starlight Express CCD camera.
Martin Cook, 13 November 1983.
Southern polar region. Photograph at the eyepiece of the Orwell Park refractor.
Unknown member of OASI, 15 November 1972.
Southern polar region. Photograph at the eyepiece of the Orwell Park refractor, 170x magnification.