Orwell Astronomical Society (Ipswich)

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Constellations & Star Trails, 31 October 1997 - 02 October 2024




Martin Cook, 02 October 2024.

The Sword Handle (or Double Cluster) in Perseus and the Andromeda Galaxy (h and χ Persei and M31). Canon 850d camera at F4.0 with 19 mm lens, ISO 6400, 15 s exposure. Taken at 22.28 UT from Whitestone near Banchory.


David Murton, 30 September 2016.

The Plough rising. Canon 60Da camera. Taken at Haw Wood Farm caravan site.


David Murton, 30 September 2016.

Southern half of Orion. Canon 60Da camera with Olympus 200 mm lens. Mosaic of two pictures, each stacked from five frames. Skywatcher Star Adventurer mount. Taken at Haw Wood Farm caravan site.


David Murton, 07 November 2015.

Belt of Orion. Canon 60Da camera with 90-300 mm lens at 190 mm. Four shots stacked, ISO 1600, f5.6, 120 seconds. Skywatcher Star Adventurer mount. Unguided. Taken at Shingle Street, on the east coast of Suffolk.


Kevin Fulcher, 22 October 2015.

Orion taken with a Canon 70D camera tracking via an iOptron skyguider. 24 mm pancake lens, four 60 s exposures stacked on DSS and tweaked in Lightroom.


Kevin Fulcher, 22 October 2015.

Belt of Orion taken with a Canon 70D camera tracking via an iOptron skyguider. 70-300 mm lens, four 60 s exposures stacked on DSS and tweaked in Lightroom.


Kevin Fulcher, 22 August 2015.

The Plough rising over a Martello Tower at Shingle Street, a relatively dark sky location on the east coast of Suffolk. Canon 30D camera.


Kevin Fulcher, 22 August 2015.

Star trails around the Pole Star. Taken from Shingle Street. Canon 30D camera.


Kevin Fulcher, 16 August 2015.

Details as above image.


Andy Gibbs, 12 August 2015.

Pleiades rising. Captured during a Perseid meteor watch at Newbourne Village Hall. Canon EOS 1200D camera, 18-55 mm lens, ISO 3200, 30 seconds exposure. Image processed with Canon Digital Photo Professional software and Gimp.


Andy Gibbs, 12 August 2015.

The Plough. Details as above image.


Neil Morley, 02 January 2014.

Ursa Major taken from north Ipswich using an unguided Panasonic DMC-FPC camera. Contrast stretched using Gimp.


Neil Morley, 02 January 2014.

Auriga taken from north Ipswich using an unguided Casio EX-V7 camera. Contrast stretched using Gimp.


Neil Morley, 02 January 2014.

Perseus. Other details as above image.


David Murton, 28 December 2013.

Belt and sword of Orion taken from Walberswick. Canon 1100D camera with 90 mm lens, guided.


David Murton, 28 September 2013.

The Pleiades rising. Taken at Walberswick, a dark-sky site. (Note: the trail to the right in the full image is caused by aircraft lights.)


Neil Morley, 09 September 2013.

Cygnus taken from Tessy Sur Vire, Normandy. Sixty second exposure at ISO 400 with Casio EX-V7 camera, unguided. Contrast stretched using Gimp.


Neil Morley, 01 March 2006.

Orion from north Ipswich. Sixty second exposure at F/3.2 with Casio QV-2800UX camera, unguided. Contrast stretched.


James Appleton, 31 October 1997.

Star clusters the Hyades and NGC1647 from east Ipswich. Cosina 35 mm camera, 135 mm lens, sixty second exposure, driven. Kodak Royal Gold 1000 ASA print film, image scanned and enhanced in Gimp.


James Appleton, 31 October 1997.

Eastern Gemini and star cluster M35. Other details as above image.


James Appleton, 31 October 1997.

Auriga and star clusters M36, M37 and M38. Other details as above image.


James Appleton, 31 October 1997.

Belt and sword of Orion. Other details as above image.