Orwell Astronomical Society (Ipswich)

Home Events

International Year Of Astronomy 2009

UNESCO and the International Astronomical Union (IAU) designated the year 2009 International Year of Astronomy, under the theme The Universe, Yours to Discover, with a distinctive logo:

IYA2009 logo

OASI organised the events below to mark IYA2009. Unfortunately, many of the events were clouded out and consequently not well-attended. Reports on some of them are available via the links below.




30-31 March 2009
Talk and Telescopes Evening
Nacton Village Hall
02 April 2009
Sidewalk Astronomy
The Ship, Levington
04-05 April 2009
Spring Open Weekend
Orwell Park Observatory
30-31 May 2009
Astronomy in the Park (solar observing)
Christchurch Park, Ipswich
24-25 October 2009
Autumn Open Weekend
Orwell Park Observatory
26-27 October 2009
Talk and Telescopes Evening
Nacton Village Hall
29 October 2009
Sidewalk Astronomy
The Ship, Levington
31 October - 01 November 2009
Astronomy in the Park (solar observing)
Christchurch Park, Ipswich

Photographs by Mike Whybray of the Autumn IYA2009 events:

20091027_T_T_NVH_MW_1.jpg Talk and telescopes, Nacton Village Hall, 27 Oct 2009.

20091027_T_T_NVH_MW_2.jpg Talk and telescopes, Nacton Village Hall, 27 Oct 2009.

20091029_sidewalk_astro_MW.jpg Sidewalk astronomy, The Ship, Nacton, 29 Oct 2009.

Poster advertising spring 2009 events

Poster advertising autumn 2009 events